Public Relations Program Manager

The foundation, like any organization, needs a clear and consistent messaging. Messaging needs to contain, as context, the organizational mission, values, and strategy. Just as important is internal communication. The program manager should ensure that all formal communication within the organization is screened.

As it happens, more people leave an organization for reasons of values than for pay. Every organization has values stated and lived. The ones we live are the ones that count. The program manager needs to put as much emphasis on this as they do for external communication because who we are internally eventually bleeds out. What we communicate, internally and externally, is who we are.

Our mission is to get people to work. We espectially focus on supporting economic parity. Our values are

Honesty: Transparency, integrity, and a commitment to truth.

Competence: Building for individual empowerment and mutual value.

Diversity: Full inclusion with equality and dignity for all.

Community: Mutual support: together, we can do anything!

Leadership: Leading with integrity for the benefit of all. Our behavior will reflect our values.

Type of help: The Cause In this world there are the haves and the have nots. The haves come to the table, the have nots are on the outside looking in. It is easy to believe that we, with our sterling education, excellent job, good society, and more money than we really need, have these because we deserve them. And that those without these are without them because they simply didn’t work for it. We believe life is more complicated than that. Given different circumstances, those on the inside and those on the outside might be reversed. We believe everyone has something essential to contribute. We believe inclusion makes for a more peaceful world. We believe we CAN foster sustainable and measured change. We think today’s needy can be the helpers of tomorrow. Change is difficult, often because we are scared, ignorant, ill-equipped, and alone. KeelWorks addresses these factors for greater success. Our special "sauce" is: address the barriers, arm with basic competencies, provide the savvy of lessons learned, and provide a community of mutual support and accountability for as long as it takes. KeelWorks has no religious or political affiliation. We believe diversity, in all its forms, breeds perspective, and the learning is better for it. Rich and poor, intellectually advantaged and intellectually challenged, black, indigenous, asian, white, Muslim, Jew, Catholic, Hindu, or atheist; the broader the base, the better. We can help the unemployed create jobs where no jobs exist, we can help the displaced workers and homemakers reinvent themselves, we can help refugees from incarceration, tyranny, and poor choices redefine themselves for better futures. We can do this - only with your help.
Languages spoken: ENGLISH
What else ...: N/A
How many travelers can volunteer?: Ask KeelWorks Foundation or Ifinterested, please fill out this application: We will get back to you within 2 days! *
Accommodation suggestions: N/A
Hours expected: 10 hours/week
Availability: SKILLS: • Strategic Planning • Program Management • Professional Development • Critical Thinking • Organization • Relationship Building
Wish List: REQUIREMENTS: • Must be at least 18 • Orientation or Training • 10 hours/week • This person needs to be assertive (be able to defend personal space without offending another's personal space), have some background or education in PR, document preparation, understand style and style guides, and think strategically. Must be in US
How would you like to volunteer?:
Virtual (you can do it from a computer, home or anywhere)
In Person (you'll go to a physical location)
Cause Category:
Arts & Culture
Emergency & Saftey
Immigrants & Refugees
Sports & Recreation
Faith Based
Computers & Technology
Justice & Legal
Advocacy & Human Rights
Animals & Wild Life
Children & Youth
Health & Medicine
Disaster Relief
Homeless & Housing
Veterans & Military Family
Race & Ethnicity
People with Disabilities
Crisis Support
Education & Life Skills
Length of Time :
Short-Term ( one time or less than a month)
Long Term ( 30 days or more)
Central America
Middle East
South America

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