The Volunteer Treasurer supports the Ohio Steering Committee regarding the Ohio Chapter's financial status, operations, and maintenance of bank accounts. We are looking for a volunteer to fill this crucial role of helping us maintain Sierra Club Ohio’s financial management systems. The Treasurer's role is to manage and oversee the integrity and accuracy of Ohio's financial management process and procedures, and to carry out the responsibilities expected from a senior entity leader.
Scope of position: Manage all bank accounts and banking systems. With direction from the Ohio Steering Committee, serve as the liaison between the Ohio Chapter and the National Sierra Club Chapter Finance and Chapter Fundraising Departments regarding all financial matters. Review financially-related reports received from the National Sierra Club. Communicate with the National Sierra Club Chapter Finance Department any issues which are questionable or a cause of concern. If money is owed to the National Sierra Club, carry out a payment schedule in communication with the National Sierra Club Chapter Finance Department.
Type of help:
Responsibilities of this position include: • Prepare all checks and disbursements from appropriate funds in payment of Ohio Chapter expenses. Review invoices and other payment requests for accuracy, make sure that they have been authorized for payment, and prepare checks for the appropriate person's signature. Make sure information regarding checks, payments, and disbursements are available to the Bookkeeper for entry into QuickBooks, as needed. • Report the Chapter’s financial status to the Ohio Steering Committee at least quarterly, with immediate reporting of any large or material activities or transactions. Ensure that reports are reviewed and approved by the Steering Committee, and that financial decisions are recorded accurately in meeting minutes. Provide financial data for review by National Sierra Club and Ohio Chapter leadership, as needed. • Collect, consolidate, and submit the following reports after the end of each year in a timely manner: State, Group, Inspiring Connections Outdoors (ICO), and Political Action Committee (PAC) bank statements and year-end financial statements, including fixed assets, and inventory. Ensure that revenues and expenses for the Ohio Chapter and its entities are organized in the format defined by the National Sierra Club Chapter Finance Department. Maintain financial records for an appropriate period of time with guidance from the National Sierra Club Chapter Finance Department. • Assist the Ohio Steering Committee with the annual budgeting process and prepare the budget for the Ohio Steering Committee's approval. The budget should build and maintain a cash reserve within Sierra Club policy. Monitor the Chapter's budget, compare actual results, and report significant material deviations to the Ohio Steering Committee and the National Chapter Finance Department. • Open all bank accounts as the primary account signer, ensure that bank accounts are properly maintained. and ensure that an adequate reserve cash balance is maintained. This includes ensuring that the proper Sierra Club tax identification number (EIN 94-1153307) is being used for all bank accounts. Avoid committing the Ohio Chapter to indebtedness greater than the unencumbered cash balances in bank accounts. • Manage cash flow so as not to be delinquent in paying financial obligations, and transfer excess funds from checking to savings, if financially beneficial. Assist the Ohio Steering Committee to comply with Sierra Club policies, as outlined in the bylaws regarding: insurance, investments, borrowing/lending, contracts/leases, hiring, and financial reporting. • Assist the Ohio Steering Committee to communicate and promote adherence to all Sierra Club financially-related policies and procedures that relate to grants, investments, tax issues, insurance, contracts, legal services, contract employees, hiring staff, and political regulatory compliance. • Ensure that foundation grants and restricted funds held by the Ohio Chapter are spent in accordance with donor restrictions and that these grant funds and expenditures are documented. • Assist the Ohio Steering Committee to ensure that items with tax, regulatory compliance, and legal implications are properly handled, with the related documents and records maintained. • Determine which persons or entities receiving payments from the Ohio Chapter require IRS W-9 and 1099-MISC forms, submit appropriate information to the Sierra Club Finance Department in a timely manner, and maintain these records for the required period. • If applicable, insure that sales tax, vendor permits, sales of items, and raffles are handled in accordance with relevant regulations. • Implement proper internal controls, safeguards and retention of financial records. • Supervise the Assistant Treasurer and the Bookkeeper, and ensure that separation of duties requirements are followed between the Treasurer, the Assistant Treasurer, and the Bookkeeper. • Train the succeeding Treasurer and turn over all Ohio records at the time of leaving the position. • Provide support to Ohio Chapter leadership, and handle other tasks as assigned by the Ohio Chapter leadership. • Coordinate regular Ohio Chapter Finance Committee meetings.
What else ...:
Knowledge and skills: • Minimum 2 years of exposure to finance and tracking expenses preferred • Experience in bookkeeping and financial management • Strong written and oral communication skills • Experience in maintaining databases • Knowledge of IRS protocols for non-profit organizations • Independent self-starter • Team player • Willingness to learn and develop new skills • Knowledge and background of environmental and social justice issues Benefits: • Support Sierra Club Ohio with the critical work of our network of staff and volunteers • Join a team and meet new people around Ohio • Build your skills for financial management, leadership, and accountability • Be part of a group working towards equitable community building and connection