Investigative Reporters prepare/write articles/stories/exposes on topics related to community issues or events and/or AWOFINC activities. Topics may be suggested by Media Relations staff and board members, advisory committee or by volunteers. The newsletter is published monthly typically toward the end of the month.
The newsletter is emailed or emailed to community residents, partners and businesses in the United States. The Newsletter is also posted on AWOFINC’s website. All articles written by volunteers are submitted to the Media Director and Executive Director for review. The Media staff members are also available to help generate ideas or provide data if necessary. The amount of time spent on an article varies by the length of the article and by the reporter’s work preferences.
Deadlines must be strictly observed. All media volunteers are invited to AWOFINC’s Annual Events, receive a copy of the newsletter and receive credit in AWOFINC’s Annual Report. Articles are also published in the on-line versions of the Trib Local (Chicago Tribune) and Evanston Patch (Pioneer Press)
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