Experienced Website Content Creator

Pound Hounds ResQ is the #1 rescue saving animals from euthanasia from the New York Animal Care Centers here in NYC.

We are looking to redo our website. Rewording, adding tabs, adding information.

We are looking for someone to overhaul the WORDING.

Please explain why you think this is a great match for you.

Type of help: Pound Hounds Res-Q believes that every animal deserves a loving home. How that happens takes lots of work. We try to pair t he animal with the best possible foster or adopter home available. We take into consideration the initial behavior evaluation and the volunteers evaluation. We also consider the animal's environment at the shelter. It's not science, but it helps us pair us the best possible pets/people. Furthermore, we then look at the family dynamics. Are they active, are they quite, etc. This gives us a better prospective of what animals would be right for them and their lifestyle. We look at the total environment, kids, other pets etc. It's not perfect, but it helps enormously in placing every animal with the right family. It's truly a challenge, but it's something that we don't take lightly. It's a big effort but so rewarding in the long run. We do not have a facility but rather rely on a network of committed loving foster homes that see these animals through to adoption. It is a selfless act and every single one of our fosters help us save another precious life.
Languages spoken: ENGLISH
What else ...: N/A
How many travelers can volunteer?: Ask Pound Hounds Res-Q or Please contact the http://www.poundhoundsresq.org/
Accommodation suggestions: N/A
Hours expected: We'll work with your schedule.
Availability: SKILLS: Website Project Management Web Design Technical Writing
Wish List: REQUIREMENTS: At your convenience
How would you like to volunteer?:
Virtual (you can do it from a computer, home or anywhere)
In Person (you'll go to a physical location)
Cause Category:
Arts & Culture
Emergency & Saftey
Immigrants & Refugees
Sports & Recreation
Faith Based
Computers & Technology
Justice & Legal
Advocacy & Human Rights
Animals & Wild Life
Children & Youth
Health & Medicine
Disaster Relief
Homeless & Housing
Veterans & Military Family
Race & Ethnicity
People with Disabilities
Crisis Support
Education & Life Skills
Length of Time :
Short-Term ( one time or less than a month)
Long Term ( 30 days or more)
Central America
Middle East
South America

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