Career Mentor- Volunteer Position

This volunteering role as a Technical Employment Coordinator aims to make a life-changing impact by helping immigrant, refugee, and asylee clients move beyond low-paying jobs and into higher-skilled, higher-paying positions aligned with their professional and educational backgrounds. The goal is to address the issue of Brain Waste, where 25% to 30% of college-educated refugees and immigrants are relegated to low-paying jobs well below their abilities.

As a Career Mentor Volunteer, you will be responsible for guiding clients toward their desired career fields. This includes enrolling them in relevant training and recertification programs, reviewing their resumes, job matching with our employer connections, and following up to ensure their success.

This is an unpaid volunteer position that requires a minimum of a 2-hour/week commitment. The position offers training on the refugee process of arriving in the US and the various challenges they face in obtaining skilled employment.

Type of help: Key Duties and Responsibilities: · Work with IT employers and New Americans to help clients secure appropriate employment. · Evaluate candidate skills to identify suitable positions. · Maintain and grow relationships with existing technology employer recruiters and share candidates for opportunities within their organization. · Develop an individualized career development plan with job seekers (training provided). · Keep detailed relationship records using the Salesforce database. · Ensure a positive candidate experience on all fronts.
Languages spoken: ENGLISH
What else ...: N/A
How many travelers can volunteer?: Ask Technation Career or Please contact the
Accommodation suggestions: N/A
Hours expected: This is an unpaid volunteer position that requires a minimum of a 2-hour/week commitment. The position offers training on the refugee process of arriving in the US and the various challenges they face in obtaining skilled employment.
Availability: Required Knowledge and Skills: · Pursuing a Bachelor's degree in a related field or holding a high school diploma. · Related work experience in social work, recruiting, coaching, workforce, or human resources is a plus. · Able to work cross-culturally in a diverse environment. · Any technical background is a plus. · Preferably from the United States. As a Technical Employment Coordinator Volunteer, you will have the opportunity to help change lives by providing guidance and support to clients who are seeking higher-paying, more fulfilling careers. Thank you for considering this rewarding volunteer opportunity.
Wish List: SKILLS: Public Relations Recruiting IT Consulting Adult Education Salesforce Security / Network Administration Must be at least 18
How would you like to volunteer?:
Virtual (you can do it from a computer, home or anywhere)
In Person (you'll go to a physical location)
Cause Category:
Arts & Culture
Emergency & Saftey
Immigrants & Refugees
Sports & Recreation
Faith Based
Computers & Technology
Justice & Legal
Advocacy & Human Rights
Animals & Wild Life
Children & Youth
Health & Medicine
Disaster Relief
Homeless & Housing
Veterans & Military Family
Race & Ethnicity
People with Disabilities
Crisis Support
Education & Life Skills
Length of Time :
Short-Term ( one time or less than a month)
Long Term ( 30 days or more)
Central America
Middle East
South America

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